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3 Reasons to Send Your Client Gifts Early

November 14, 2019

The holidays are almost upon us, and while companies often target December as the best time to send client gifts, it is not the only time to express appreciation by sending corporate gift baskets for clients or employee gift boxes. Have you considered sending your gifts before the holiday rush? Whether sending to clients, employees, or board members…we say now is the time.

“But it’s only November,” you say.


Here are three reasons why you should consider sending your client gift baskets early.

Stand out from the crowd and avoid the holiday gift clutter. Take it from Forbes B2B expert, Ian Altman, “If you take the time to appreciate your clients when they least expect it, you’ll stand out.”1 Think about it: You value your clients. You want to strengthen those authentic relationships. You work to create memorable wins all year round. Why should gift giving be any different? When you send client gifts in November, you will set yourself apart from the competition. Your recipients will be pleasantly surprised and delighted, and they will remember you more than the other dozen companies who sent a fruit basket the week before Christmas.

Highlight your company values and express gratitude. Reuters interviewed financial advisers across the country and found that this time of year is actually rather perfect for corporate giving: One interviewee described Thanksgiving as “an ideal time to reach out to clients, not just because the nondenominational holiday works nicely around the theme of gratitude for clients’ business, but also because it offers firms a chance to underscore their values.”2 Social impact and corporate social responsibility are top of mind for most companies today, especially at this time of year. Holiday gifting offers a unique opportunity to showcase your values and sense of purpose, and support environmental sustainability, hunger relief, workforce development, and beyond.

Give them time to sit back, relax, and enjoy your thoughtful gift. Another benefit of avoiding the holiday gift rush? You give your giftees plenty of time to actually enjoy and savor your gift, before they are out of office for some much needed PTO. Plus, when you send those gifts early, that’s one more thing you can check off your to-do list. We understand that this time of year can feel overwhelming. Professional and personal obligations are pulling us in every direction, and sometimes sending business gifts gets bumped to the bottom of the list until you are down to the wire. Take the stress out of gifting by getting it done early, so by the time December rolls around, all you have to worry about is polishing off the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers.

We hope you feel inspired to send meaningful client gifts that stand out from the holiday clutter.

Browse Our New Holiday Gift Catalogue!